What you get...

Gain foundational knowledge and hands-on diagnostic skills, then test your knowledge with interactive cases, reflections & discussion boards. Plus...

  • CEUs

    14 hours of CEU credit is accepted in 40+ states for PTs and PTAs. Scroll down to see which states are included! BOC Category D credit for Athletic Trainers. Other disciplines may apply, depending on state requirements.

  • Patient Resources

    Exclusive access to patient education handouts, videos and resources...

  • Discounts!

    Receive discount codes for our MSK Imaging Certification & Rhematology course...

Course Details

What Will I Learn?

Participants will learn skills via integrated lecture, case reviews, and hands-on practice. In addition to psychomotor skills, participants will learn our clinical decision making framework, which categorizes various clinical presentations into Critical Medical, Non-Critical Medical and Therapy Management pathways. 

For a detailed overview of the course description and objectives, check out the complete course syllabus here.

Who Is My Instructor?

Dr. Katie O'Bright, PT, DPT, OCs is a physical therapist and educator who has spent the majority of her career in multidisciplinary primary care settings. She started her career as an active duty Army PT where she worked in a Solider Centered Medical Home, co-located with primary care physicians, psychologists and other valued support staff. Since then, she has worked in multidisciplinary care settings in academic health systems and private practices. 

Dr. O'Bright founded Redefine Health Education with the mission of getting more physical therapists into team-based care settings, starting with primary care. She currently lives in Chicago with her husband and two sons. 

Learn more here: https://www.redefinehealthed.com/katieobright

Course curriculum

    1. Recommended Reading

    2. Patient Education Resources

    3. Imaging Resources

    4. Screening Tools & Outcome Measures

    1. Primary Care PT Defined... in a Nutshell!

    2. What you walk away with...

    3. Intro to PCPT Reflection

    1. Social & Lifestyle Factors - Initial Intake

    2. Medical History, Systems Review & Current Problem - Initial Intake

    3. Clinical Decision Making Framework

    4. Initial Intake Case

    1. Lab Value Basics

    2. Clinical Reasoning with Lab Values

    3. Labs Reflection

    1. Slides handout

    2. Visceral & Upper Extremity Pathology & Referral Decision Making

    3. Heart & Lung Exam Overview

    4. Heart Auscultation Demonstration

    5. Lung Auscultation Demonstration

About this course

  • $429.00
  • 75 lessons
  • 10.5 hours of video content
  • 14 CEU contact hours in 40+ states
NEW! TX Approval! PT/PTA CEU credit for 14 contact hours is accepted in all the states highlighted in green on this map! If you are licensed in a gray state, we can provide all the information you need to submit for individual approval. Email [email protected] for details.

Go beyond your comfort zone...

Improve your multi-systems diagnostic skillset. Your patients will thank you....